Canadian Brands

Salus Bijoux Infant


$88.95 CAD

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Colours - Salus

  • As parents, we put safety first. In designing the Salus Bijoux, Salus stepped outside the confines of existing standards to offer unprecedented security, safety and comfort for babies 9 – 25 lbs. The front design ensures that baby turns face-up from a face-forward position. The collar cradles the head when lifted by the strap or while floating. Mesh harness and short front enhance comfort sitting upright, lying down, or in a baby carrier.

    This product is made in Canada

    Please click here for a letter from Transport Canada detailing the approval process for infant Life Jackets.
  • “Rippers Gear Test: The World’s Best Infant Lifejacket – Salus Bijoux”

    Outside Magazine Blog

    August 2011



    By Raising Rippers

    If you tell people that you’ve taken teensy, just-born babies out on the water—be it in a raft, a sailboat, or a 15-horsepower runabout—invariably, the first question you’ll get is, “They make lifejackets that small?” Yes, in fact, they do.

    But not all infant PFDs are created equal. When our older daughter, Pippa, was a month old and traveled to Stony Lake for the first time, my mother rustled up some ancient lifejacket from the depths of the boathouse that looked like it’d been around since my infancy a billion years ago. It had surely been an adequate piece of flotation apparatus in its day, but its day was most definitely past. The chest and back flotation panels had faded from rescue-me! orange to rust-colored sepia, and the buckle on the crotch strap had to be re-threaded. We used it for a few weeks, and even cinched down to its tightest, most compact size, it still swallowed the baby. She was all PFD, no Pippa (exhibit A)…Click HERE for full article.


    “Safety, Family Style”

    Boats & Places

    Spring 2010


    As a parent, you are always trying to set a good example for your kids, something that is especially important when it comes to their safety. Most of us agree we want our kids to wear their PFDs, but we’re reluctant to wear them ourselves, cringing at the thought of wearing a bulky, hot and bothersome old life jacket.


    Read full article (PDF)

    “Splish Splash”

    Savvy Mom

    July 2006


    We all love the water, but we don’t love the fear we sometimes have when our children are near water.

    Drowning is the second most common cause of injury-related death for kids in Canada and of course peaks in the summer. A little good news though? We’ve hunted down some innovative new solutions to help you navigate the rough waters of water safety with your family this summer.

    When we received two reader submissions on the same day raving about the virtues of the Bijoux Baby Vest from Salus Marine, Canada’s top personal flotation device manufacturer, we knew it was worth testing out…



    Read full article (PDF)

    2006 CASBA Award


    Two new products from Salus that are attracting a lot of attention are their new Baby vest, called the Bijoux, which is very unique to the Canadian Boating market. The designers at Salus had to really step outside the confines of the standards to develop this important new product. It turns a baby to the face up position very quickly; the most important thing in saving an infant’s life. It’s comfortable and fits babies from nine to 25 lbs.

    This very important new Baby vest has just won the CASBA Marine Industry Award. Most importantly, it is a major advance in protecting very young children. But it is also a great benefit that now there is no need for new parents to shy away from boating with the Bijoux on the market.

    Salus Marine Wear’s other new product is the Angler Vest for fishermen.


    Read full article (PDF)


Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Best life jacket for babies

Easy to put on, comfortable for baby and the feeling of safety knowing your little one is wearing something approved by the coast guard. I am always Leary of buying life jackets as you want to make sure that they keep your kids in their backs - and roll them over should they become face down in the water. The Salus jackets are the only ones we have for the cottage!

Thanks for the great review Beth!
Just some clarification on the approval of this vest:
This vest is not approved, however, there's a good reason! Please keep reading. This vest is widely regarded as one of, if not the absolute best products for infants who will be in/near the water. It has won numerous awards and received high praise in everything from paddling to parenting magazines. As odd as it may seem, Transport Canada at this time does not require infants under 20lbs. to have a life jacket on board, therefore there is no approval available for a vest like this. Please read the letter linked above from Transport Canada about this, and rest easy knowing there is likely no better life jacket available for your infant!