Base Racks

Yakima SKS Lock Cores


$129.95 CAD

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  • SKS stands for “same key system.” These cores enable you to lock all of your yakima products with just one key.
    • Fits all lockable accessories
    • 2 keys included plus a control key
    • Available in a 2-pack, 4-pack, 6-pack and 8-pack option
  • Q: Why don’t lock cores come with all products? A: It is the only way to have one key for the entire system. Let’s say you bought a Q-tower system and two bike mounts. If the cores came with each product, then the cores would not match and you would have 3 different keys for the rack.  Add another accessory, add another key to your ring.  Instead, a 6 pack of lock cores will lock the set of towers and both bike mounts and keep everything on the same key. Having the locks separate also gives you an option.  If you don’t want them, you have the option of not purchasing them, or they can be added on later.

    Q: Can I get more locks that match my current key number? A: If your key/lock  number starts with the letter "A” then you can. If the number starts with a number or any other letter, that means they are older, pre-SKS locks, and cannot be matched. SKS locks can be special ordered by your local dealer, or call us at (888) 925-4621.

    Q: I lost my key, how can I get another? A: If you know your key number, your dealer can order replacements for you, or you can contact us directly at (888) 925-4621 (M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., PST). If you do not know your key number, but you did send in your key club registration, we can look it up for you. Still not the answer for your situation? Well, if your locks were produced after 1992, and your key number is still a mystery, it can be found on the side or back of the lock "core" itself. Accessing it will require a locksmith to pick one lock, and a control key (the "gold blank" key that comes with every set of locks) to remove the core from the housing. Once the lock core is out, you can read the number and order new keys.

    Q: How long has the SKS system been around? A: The Same Key System started in 1993.

    Q: Are SKS locks theft proof? A: Sorry, but no.  Given enough time and the right tools a thief will get what he wants.  SKS is a very good, easy to use, theft deterrent, but nothing is really theft proof. Our advice is to remove gear when you are not transporting it.  Some personal property insurance policies may cover theft, but check with an insurance agent before hand, to be sure.